Vaneeza Ahmad has earned a reputation of being the most famous and sought-after female model and celebrity in Pakistan. Initially, interested in medicine with a degree in psychology, she started modeling as a casual hobby only to later become the face of some of the leading brands in Pakistan. Vaneeza Ahmad was born in Pakistan but later moved to Germany with her parents to study. She was pressurised by her parents to get into medicine when she was in high school. She was to return to Pakistan at the age of 18, to study medicine further, but her plans were thwarted by a lack of high school physics, hence, she decided to attend Kinnaird College in Lahore. With her interests still inclined towards medicine, she graduated from Kinnaird College with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. In her brief stay at the college, she started to model casually. Not much interested in modeling as a career option, she was showered with offers from various fashion designers, some of whom were notable in the Pakistani fashion industry including the likes of fashion designer Nilofer Shahid and photographer Khawar Riaz.